
The Shojin Property Partners crowdfunding model

31/08/18  by GARETH BAIN

Are you looking for a smarter way to earn a passive income? There are so many opportunities out there that you can benefit from and if you choose the right investment opportunity, you could receive a good return on your investment.

The Shojin Property Partners Crowdfunding Model has been created with the aim of being the best and most trusted property investment company with collaborative partnerships and unrivalled returns. Whether you’re a developer looking for (debt or equity) funding, or an investor looking for a suitable project, our platform uses a systematic approach to ensure the best outcome is achieved for everyone involved and with our unprecedented levels of customer service, you can be sure that you’re working with like-minded people.

Shojin Property Partners is built on honesty, transparency and due diligence, which is why we are trusted by many property investors, property professionals and banks, with repeated business. Our extensive network, knowledge and experience enables us to help property developers fund projects they may not have been able to otherwise, and enable investors earn attractive returns.

So, how does our crowdfunding model work?

Our crowdfunding platform has been approved by is regulated by the FCA. It was developed to provide simplicity, transparency and accessibility for people looking to invest in property.

How the crowdfunding model works for investors

Firstly, we identify and assess residential development projects, before presenting the projects that meet our strict investment criteria to investors.

Simply browse our hand-picked opportunities that have passed our rigorous stages of due diligence before selecting the best property investment that’s right for you. Every project you invest in, we co-invest alongside you as our interests are co-aligned for a successful end result. Every project we offer is set up using a ‘Special Purpose Vehicle’ (SPV), which is a Limited Company that ring fences each project. Once you hit the invest button and complete your transaction, you will then become a shareholder in the SPV.

Throughout the project development, we ensure it is carried out in accordance to the original plan and all milestones are achieved. Whilst we do this, we will keep you updated on the progress, so you know how your investment is being used. Finally, when the construction project is complete, and units are sold and the profits from the project are distributed.

Invest across the entire property spectrum

Investors now can invest across the entire property spectrum through property crowdfunding. We enable investors the opportunity to invest in projects which were previously not accessible to them such as Student Housing, PRS Schemes and Senior Living. This allows investors the flexibility to diversity their investment into a variety of different investment opportunities and spread their risk. Investors can now invest into Buy to Let, Bridge Loans, Mezzanine Loans and Property Development. To find out more visit our products

Tax efficient investments

Since we are a regulated ISA manager and regulated by the FCA we are able to offer our investors the opportunity to invest using an IFISA. This allows investors the opportunity to receive up to £20,000 tax free in the 2018/19 tax year. This facility is limited to select number of investment opportunities. Click the link to find out more about investing in property through an IFISA.

How the crowdfunding model works for developers

As a developer, if you feel you have a project that Shojin Property Partners may be interested in, you can submit it for review. Once reviewed, if we are interested and feel it is something suitable for our crowdfunding model, we will issue an offer letter. Once you have submitted all supporting documents and we have carried out full due diligence on the project as a whole, we will approve it and issue formal terms. When the terms are agreed by both parties, the documentation is finalised before it becomes available for investors to invest in.

If you have a property development project which needs funding, please submit your project on our website. Go to submit your project and we will be in contact with you shortly.

If you are interested in investing in a property development, or have a project for which you feel we could provide funding for, please get in touch today. Our professional and friendly team are here to help you on your property journey and discuss how the Shojin Property Partners Crowdfunding Model can work for you.